Frances Grey1

(6 January 1814 - 9 February 1885)
FatherSergeant Major Owen Wynne Gray2
MotherMary Andrews
     Frances Grey was born on 6 January 1814 at Cannanore, Kerala, India, .3,4 She was the daughter of Sergeant Major Owen Wynne Gray and Mary Andrews.2 Frances Grey was baptized on 2 April 1814 at Cannanore, Kerala.2 She married Robert Cole on 8 July 1834.1,5 Frances Grey died on 9 February 1885 at Anupparpalayam, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India, , at age 71.3 She was buried on 9 February 1885 at Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India, .6


Robert Cole (1 Apr 1803 - 24 May 1867)
Marriage*She married Robert Cole on 8 July 1834.1,5 

Research Notes

  • Frances Grey was born on 6 January 1814.1 She was the daughter of Major Owen Wynne Gray and Mary Andrews. Frances married Robert Cole on 8 July 1834.7
  • She was was the author of: IOR/L/MIL/9/292/1241-48 Cadet Application for Pennell Ashmead Cole
    Letter signed by his mother, Frances.

    On the oficial application form, she says

    Lieut R A Cole, 31st Regt M L I
    Lieut G W? Cole, 41st Reg M H I

    Mr Coles Father, was in H M Medical Service, and was with the Army throughout the American War. His eldest Brother is now a retired General Officer of H M Royal Engineers.

    As a further claim, permit me to state that my Father and five brothers have served their country in the Navy and Army. My Uncles Lieut Coll George Grey, commanding the 2nd Batt oh HM 30th Regt, fell at the Siege of Badojoz (Spain)

    To the Right Honorable Lord Stanley, Secretary of State for India.

    My Lord,
    Having been informed that by the last Act of Parliament for the Government of India, it is ------ that one tenth of thei Military appointments shall be appropriated to the Sons of Officers of the Indian Services. I presume to to take the liberty of earnestly soliciting the nomination to a direct appointment in H M Indian Army Madras Presidency for my son Pennell Ashmead Cole whose Father has served thirty years in the Madras Medical Service,
    and who is now Superintending Surgeon of the Hyderabad Subsidiary Force. Mr Cole's father was in H M Medical Services and was with the Army strength --- American War. His eldest brother is is now a retired Officer of H M Royal Engineers. As a further claim to your kind consideration permit me to state that my father and five other brothers, have served their country in the Navy and Army.

    New page
    The next section is repeated on a different page after the // starting "My Uncles": 2nd time says 30th Regt, transferred to,
    Captain William Grey, late of H M 31st Regt was wounded in action and on being transfer on to the Pension List, was appointed a Stipendiary Magistrate at Trinidad, as a /further/ acknowledgement of his valuable services, and served under Lord Harris when his Lordship was governer of Trinidad.

    Captain Berry Grey, late of the M N died in receipt of a Pension for wounds received in action.

    Lieut Hugh Grey late of H M Royals, died in Rangoon, while on active Service, during the Burmese War.

    Lieut /now Coll/ John Grey, also served throughout the Burmese War. and

    Lastly my father, Captain M---- Wynne Grey, late of H.M. 30th Regt, commenced his Military career in India in 1807, under the Government of Fort St George, where he served for the long period of 21 years, during which times he accompanied the 30th on every occasion of Active service untill placed on half pay in 1828. by H E? Field Marshall/ then General/ Lord Cou---------- GCB in order to enable him to retain his appointment in India, on the return of his Regt to Europe. He was appointed (end of the repeated page)in 1819 by the Most Noble the Marquis of Hastings, Governor General, and Commander-in-Chief, to raise and Command the Vair? Brigade of H M the Bauee of F-------
    My Brother, Captain Owen Wynne Grey, (end of repeat) is now in H M 8th Regt and has served in the army 19 years. My eldest Cousin, Sir George Grey, is at present the Governor of the Cape of Good Hope, and my Cousin, Captain William Grey, is in H M Military Service at present stationed at Woolwich.
    Sincerely trusting yoy Lordship
    will pardon the liberty I have taken in addressing you, and in the hope of my application meeting with success.
    I have the honour to be
    My Lord
    Your ---- obedient Servant
    Frances Cole

    2 Lansdale Villas
    S W
    29th March

    New page

    My Uncles, Lieut Coll? George Grey, commanding the 2nd Batl of H M 30th Regt, fell at the siege of Badojoz (Spain)
    Captain William Grey,

    Owen W Cole:
    The late Pennell A Cole (my brother) served in the Uncovenanted Civil Service as Deputy Collector and Magistrate for 25 years and died in the service at Madras in 1891.3


  1. [S542] India Office Library (British Library), online, BAPTISM on the 7th day of Februray 1837 of George Wynne son of Robert Cole Esq Garrison Assistant Surgeon and Frances his wife said to be born on the 21st day of October 1836 was baptised by me ... Sponsors The Revd Geo Cole, Capt Pennel Cole and Elizabeth Cole.
  2. [S542] India Office Library (British Library), online, BAPTISM on the 2 April 1814 Frances of G W Gray and Mary his wife. [Parish register from the Presidency of Madras, N-2-23 folio 151]
  3. [S739] Helen Williams, "Greys of India", Ancestral File.
  4. [S115] 1861 Census of England & Wales, online, Class: RG 9; Piece: 18; Folio: 4; Page: 16;.
  5. [S542] India Office Library (British Library), online, MARRIAGE St Marys Church 8th July 1834, Robert Cole esq Assistant Surgeon Madras Establishment Bachelor and Wife Frances Gray spinster were married in this Saint Mary's church with the permission of the Right Honourable the Governor on this eigth day of July One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Four. [Parish register from the Presidency of Madras N-2-17 folio 6]
  6. [S542] India Office Library (British Library), online, BURIAL on 10th Feb 1885, at Coimbatore, Frances Cole, aged 71, died 9th Feb 1885 of old age, widow of Robert Cole late Principal Inspector General Madras Medical Service [Parish register from the Presidency of Madras, N2066, page 44].
  7. [S742] Hugh Montgomery-Massingberd, Burke's Irish Family Records, was born on 6 January 1814.1 She was the daughter of Major Owen Wynne Gray and Mary Andrews. Frances married Robert Cole on 8 July 1834. (page 490).