Alma E Whitbread1

(16 November 1896 - )
     Alma E Whitbread was born on 16 November 1896 at Hackney, Middlesex, England, .1,2 The marriage of Alma E Whitbread and Charles Beaumont was registered in the March quarter of 1922 in the Hackney registration district.1,3


Charles Beaumont (12 Jan 1897 - )


  1. [S610] 1939 Register of England, online, ED ALJE, Borough of Islington, Schedule 109 (tna_r39_0278_0278a_009).
  2. [S117] National Birth Registration, BIRTH Alma Evelyn Whitbread, Day, GRO Reference: 1896 D Quarter in HACKNEY Volume 01B Page 497.
  3. [S110] FreeBMD, online, MARRIAGE Charles Beaumont and Alma E Whitbread, Hackney 1b 507, Mar 1922.
  4. [S117] National Birth Registration, BIRTH Dennis Chales Leslie beaumont, Whitbread, GRO Reference: 1924 D Quarter in ISLINGTON Volume 01B Page 426.